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What’s On Tap
Beer is like jazz. Sometimes you want to ad lib.
Here at the Little Auxiliary Brewery (L.A.B.), we get to experiment and have a little fun brewing some small-batch beers throughout the year. You’ll still have the same great selection of quality beers as our Brewery Taproom but expect to also try new recipes and collaborations with other breweries at the L.A.B., conveniently located in the heart of a world-class shopping destination.
Updated 3.24.25

Live Music with Barbara Sim
March 28 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Sisterhood Market benefitting the Pink Boots Society
March 28 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Karaoke Night at Alewerks
March 29 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Can we bring our own food?
Sure thing!
Do you sell food?
We sell pre-packaged snacks, and Billy Pies Pizzas at the L.A.B. We also sell our house-made pretzels and beer cheese at the Brewery Taproom location.
Do you sell wine?
What part of “for the love of beer” did you not understand? Just kidding. Sort of. We like wine as much as the next guy, but we’re way too focused on beer to sell wine in our taprooms unfortunately.
So there’s nothing else to buy or consume besides beer?
Actually, we’ve got games and non-alcoholic beverages for families; bottles, cans, or growlers to-go; plus stuff to take with you such as shirts, hats, glasses, and much more.
Do you fill growlers to-go?
Yes. 64 ounce growlers and 32 ounce crowlers are available in both locations. Yours or ours, it doesn’t matter to us. If you bring your own, just make sure it’s clean.
Where do I park?
Glad you asked. We share an expansive parking lot with our fellow Williamsburg Premium Outlets tenants.
Are pets allowed?
Pet are welcome outside in our Brewery Taproom beer garden. Only service animals are allowed inside the taprooms, per VA Department of Health regulations.
Do you have live music?
Scrolled too fast on this page, did ya? We do have live music, so check our calendar above for schedules.
Are there any specials or promotions?
Oh yes. Check our calendar above for specials, discounts and promotions.
What about smoking?
Sorry. No smoking or vaping is allowed on Alewerks premises.