
SpeedQuizzing Trivia

Alewerks Brewing Company 189B Ewell Road, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Every Tuesday, come to Alewerks and play Speedquizzing Trivia, hosted by Matt Chambers of Squared Away Entertainment! The fun begins at 7:00 p.m.! Trivia Rounds to include General Knowledge, Music,… Continue reading SpeedQuizzing Trivia


4th of July

Alewerks Brewing Company 189B Ewell Road, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Before the fireworks light up the night sky, celebrate at Alewerks!  The main taproom is hosting a live performance by Pilot at 2pm. Come out for a cold beer, good… Continue reading 4th of July


Military Mondays

If you’re actively in, or retired from, the military, make Alewerks a Monday stop. Both locations offer $1 off all pints! So, stop by for your favorite pint and enjoy… Continue reading Military Mondays

Teacher Tuesdays

If you work in education, stop by Alewerks. Educators, administrators, and staff can enjoy $1 off all pints at both taprooms. Pick the way you’d like to unwind for the… Continue reading Teacher Tuesdays

SpeedQuizzing Trivia

Alewerks Brewing Company 189B Ewell Road, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Every Tuesday, come to Alewerks and play Speedquizzing Trivia, hosted by Matt Chambers of Squared Away Entertainment! The fun begins at 7:00 p.m.! Trivia Rounds to include General Knowledge, Music,… Continue reading SpeedQuizzing Trivia

Alewerks team with beer barrels


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